Heroes, Villains & Healing

A Guide for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Using Marvel Comic Superheroes, and Villains

Keneth Rogers


Heroes, Villains, and Healing allow survivors to view their thoughts and actions through the lens of Marvel heroes and villains they love and hate. Characters such as Wolverine demonstrate how trauma can cause the strongest to forget and block out the pain of the past, while powerful characters such as the Hulk and Thing view themselves as monsters, using their anger and strength to mask their pain, fear, and sense of loneliness. While filled with fantastic radioactive mutations, arch-nemesis, and super soldiers, the realm of superheroes and villains provides survivors the ability to safely explore the theories and applications of …
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Géneros: BIC|VFJX: Coping with death & bereavement, BISAC|SEL001000: SELF-HELP / Abuse

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